Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education: Nematology Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (NEMEDUSSA)

Nematodes or roundworms cause significant damage and yield loss to a wide variety of crops often together with other pathogens. Unfortunately, nematodes are often overlooked or misdiagnosed, resulting in the unnecessary use of unhealthy agro-chemicals. Alternatively, nematodes can be used as biocontrol agents against insect pests and/or as bio-control agents for environmental health and biodiversity. Despite the profound adverse impact PPNs have on agricultural productivity worldwide, it is striking how concealed the discipline of nematology has remained, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).

Our core activities

The Nemedussa project will run from 15 January 2021 until July 2024 and aims to increase awareness and education of nematodes ensuring that plant-parasitic nematodes are managed correctly and beneficial nematodes can be implemented as biocontrol organisms. To achieve this, the project focuses on 6 core activities:

Our events

  • Coming soon

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  • Moi University offers a glance at the NEMEDUSSA project in their laboratory (video)


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  • Nematology Colouring books available for download


    The Nematology colouring book, ‘From A to Z, nematodes colour our lives’ is now available...

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