NEMEDUSSA project recognised for excellence
10/03/2025The Nematology Coordination Office at the Faculty of Science, Ghent University proudly announces that the...
Want to know moreFrom 4-7 July 2023, the BSc and Msc students in Plant Pathology at Moi University in Kenya participated in the trial run of new lecture material in nematology. This material was developed as part of the NEMEDUSSA project and was the result of a successful collaboration between the 16 NEMEDUSSA partners, who shared their specialized scientific knowledge in this e-book. Different chapters were prepared by different partners, which resulted in balanced and relevant lecture material that can be customised for any educational context. To ensure the quality and practical implementation of the materials, trial runs were held, and the material was tested and evaluated at various partner institutions. The students who participated in the course were awarded a certificate.
At Moi University, the trial runs were a joint effort from 2 projects on which Moi University and Ghent University are currently collaborating, the VLIR-UOS ICP Connect (NemaConnect) project as well as the NEMEDUSSA project. Accordingly, the lectures were jointly given by Dr. Njira Njira Pili (Moi University) and Prof. Wim Bert (UGent). The evaluation of the material was conducted by NEMEDUSSA peers Shem Bonuke Nchore (KU) and Danny Coyne (IITA). Students and staff were given the opportunity to give feedback at the end of the trial runs, and their comments will be incorporated into the final document and course design. The students and staff from Moi University were very positive about the materials and the final e-book will be incorporated into new focused modules at the NEMEDUSSA partner universities in Africa.
The Nematology Coordination Office at the Faculty of Science, Ghent University proudly announces that the...
Want to know moreThe Nemotology Student Club at the Department of Crop Protection of Ahmadu Bello University has...
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