
29juli 2021

First training of NEMEDUSSA project at UCA: July 5 – July 25, 2021

Université Côte d’Azur has organised a two-week training in the framework of the NEMEDUSSA project dedicated to the taxonomy of nematodes and the molecular tools of nematology in July 2021.

Despite the difficulties regarding the health crisis, the UCA team in charge of this event, led by Doctor Pierre Abad (INRAe), was able to conduct this training with high quality and in security in the premises of INRAe in Sophia Antipolis, member of Université Côte d’Azur. Several key topics were covered during this training which combined theoretical knowledge and practical laboratory work in the field of Nematode taxonomy and Molecular Tools in Nematology.

6 researches and 1 PhD candidate from the partners’ universities of Uganda (Makerere University & Muni University) and Ethiopia (Haramaya University & Jimma University) have benefited from this training. A new session is scheduled for October 2021 to train professors from Benin, South Africa and Nigeria.

NEMEDUSSA is a three-year project of Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education funded by ERASMUS+ programme and coordinated by Ghent University. The goal is to develop research and education in nematology in higher education institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa in order to fight against the food shortage in this area.

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