
10maart 2024

Staff from Kenya and Nigeria receive training on 'Diversity of Plant Parasitic Nematodes' at Ghent University

In February 2024, 3 NEMEDUSSA trainees from project partners Kenyatta University (KU), International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) and Ibadan University (IU) joined the students of the programme International Master of Science in Agro- and Environmental Nematology (IMaNema) at Ghent University to follow a short training in Nematology. The specialised course focused on the ‘Diversity of Plant Parasitic Nematodes’ and involved hands-on work in the laboratory. The trainees, all of them technical staff at their institutes, not only learned to identify specific nematodes, but also developed their skills in the laboratory. Upon the completion of the training, the trainees were very keen to share their gained knowledge with colleagues and students in their home institutes.

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