Our events
2nd PANEMA workshop (1-3 March 2023)
09:00 SAST | Mbombela, South Africa
Nematology training and awareness through the One Earth Approach
The 2nd Pan-African Nematology Network workshop will take place in Mbombela, South Africa and is hosted by the University of Mpumalanga. The workshop is intended for staff/students from universities, and staff working in agricultural extension with keen interest in the discipline of nematology.
The workshop is co-sponsored by EU Erasmus+ programme NEMEDUSSA, Syngenta and the International MSc in Agro- and Environmental Nematology/VLIR-UOS/Belgium.

The workshop aims to have a good balance between seminars and hands-on practice to enhance life-long learning and create opportunities for interactive discussions and networking between stakeholders.
The 2 main themes of this workshop are:
- Nematology and the One Earth Approach: improving and maintaining root and soil health to enable sustainable crop production and food security – from teaching to dissemination of research in Africa
- Scientific communication to create better nematode awareness
General programme:
- DAY 1: Nematology and the One Earth Approach:
- Presentations and panel discussion:
- Welcoming by management of the University of Mpumalanga, hosting university of the workshop
- Introduction to the One Earth Approach – by Syngenta
- Enabling sustainable crop production and food security in Africa – Prof. dr. Richard Sikora and 2nd speaker
- Panel discussion about the status of nematology accross different sectors: a One Earth Approach – by several speakers from academia, agricultural extension and industry, working in and with Africa.
- Scientific communication for better nematode awareness – by Hans Van de Water (The Floor is Yours)
- One-on-one coaching sessions for 10 pre-selected presenting students (MSc and PhD level) – Hans Van de Water (The Floor is Yours)
- Practical on Solutions and Esterase RKN identification – part 1 (10 participants) – by Prof. dr. Pierre Abad (UCA, France)
- Interactive session on nematology in agricultural extension – by dr. Edward Sikora (Auburn University, USA) and dr. Grace Tefu (ARC South Africa)
- DAY 2: From the field to the lab and back: Dating the Nematologist:
- The expert market – several theme booths to have opportunities to speak one-on-one to (nematology) experts
- Parallel sessions with workshops and demonstrations:
- Different nematode culturing techniques – by Raymond Collet (NWU)
- Molecular toolbox: DNA extraction, PCR and gel – by dr. Rinus Knoetze (SUN): pre-course work required!
- Identification of 5 most important PPN (genus level) – by Prof. dr. Wim Bert (UG): pre-course work required!
- EPN sampling, trapping, harvesting, storage,… – by Prof. dr. Antoinette Malan (SUN): pre-course work required!
- Practical on Esterase RKN identification – part 2 – by Prof. dr. Pierre Abad (UCA)
- Practical for agricultural extension workers: from the field to the lab, to good management and communication strategies – by dr. Mieke Daneel, dr. Nancy Ntidi, dr. Grace Tefu (ARC) and Prof. dr. Zakheleni Dube (University of Mpumalanga)
- Advanced scientific communication skills – by Hans Van de Water (The Floor is Yours)
- Event for young nematologists
- DAY 3: Nematology science communication day and future perspectives
- MSc/PhD student presentations on the topic Enhancing root and soil health through nematology research (10 pre-selected students)
- Poster session according to the essential poster principle with 1 minute pitch presentations (30 pre-selected participants – pre-course work required)
- Future perspectives on nematology: topics to be decided.
- Workshop gala dinner and the award of best presentations
Participation to the workshop is free for participants working in African organisations/institutes. For participants studying/working out of Africa, there is a small registration fee of 75USD, unless you are sponsored through the workshop (e.g. NEMEDUSSA) or an invited speaker. This fee is to be paid at the registration desk and will be used to cover breaks, lunch and workshop gala dinner.
If you wish to participate for the workshop, you need to register first:
As confirmation of your participation, we expect that ALL participants send us:
- a proof of their flight ticket and arrival details
- for South African nationals who do not take a flight, a reservation proof of accommodation.
Deadline is 31 January 2023. There is a max. of 100 non-paying participants.
Scholarship opportunities and awards
- There are 10 positions for MSc/PhD students enrolled at African Higher Education Institutes in 2022 who can apply for the opportunity to present their research on the topic: Enhancing soil and root health through nematology research. If selected, students receive personal coaching in scientific communication skills, are exempted for the registration fee, and receive a flight ticket/full board accommodation. Application can be done here and should be submitted by 25 November 2022. Selection is announced on 16 December 2022. A prize for the best presentation will be awarded. NOTE:
- only once you are selected, you can register for the workshop
- cancelation of your participation after acceptance of the scholarship and presenting opportunity will lead to a ban for participation to training in the next PANEMA workshop in 2024.
- There are 20-25 vacancies to present a poster in a 1 minute pitch (according to a fixed format – essential poster principle – no print required). Any participant can apply for this opportunity – the only requirement is a theme that concerns soil nematodes. When selected, you receive access to an online workshop of 2h on 6 February 2023 on poster design and 1 min pitch presentations. If selected, you are exempted from the registration fee and depending on your nationality and affiliation, (partial) financial support for travel/accommodation is available. Application can be done here and should be submitted by 25 November 2022. Selection is announced on 16 December 2022. A prize for the best poster will be awarded. NOTE:
- only once you are selected, you can register for the workshop (NEMEDUSSA sponsored participants exempted)
- You can only participate in the poster session if you are present in the online workshop on 6 February 2023. Not showing up will result in a cancelation of your participation/sponsorship and a ban for participation to training in the next PANEMA workshop in 2024.
Accommodation suggestions
Most of the sponsored participants will stay at the Southern Sun Emotweni hotel in Nelspruit from where a bus shall be foreseen daily to the PANEMA workshop. We will provide a list with suggested hotels for self-sponsored participants.